Google Analytics 4 For Shopify Users
How to Upgrade Your Shopify Store from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4

Hey there Shopify Store owners! We know keeping up with Google's ever-evolving tools is essential…

Google Analytics
Google Analytics 4 for E-commerce: A Complete Guide

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the latest version of Google's web analytics platform. It was…

Digital marketing strategy
Ad Continuity: The Missing Piece in Your Digital Marketing

There are certain strategies that your business needs to follow to achieve the desired outcome…

What Should Be Your Digital Marketing Budget?

As a small or medium-sized business (SMB) owner, setting a digital advertising budget can be…

4 Main Things to Consider While Deciding on Hashtags

Hashtags are an important tool for increasing the reach and visibility of your social media…

Back to school
3 Tips for Your Back-to-School Ads!

The period that begins with the end of the summer, the opening of schools and…

Back to School
4 Tips to Use Back-to-School Effectively!

The back-to-school period is a period of increased mobility with the end of the summer…

Instagram Shop
Instagram Store Setup from the Beginning for Your Business

Instagram is a must-have marketing tool for businesses engaged in e-commerce, and Instagram Stores are…