Why is Mobile Experience Important for Online Businesses?

In today's digital world, having a strong mobile presence is crucial for businesses of all…

4 Main Things to Consider While Deciding on Hashtags

Hashtags are an important tool for increasing the reach and visibility of your social media…

Back to school
Why Google Search Ads is Important for E-commerce Businesses?

As an e-commerce business owner, you know the importance of driving traffic to your website…

CPC calculator
Cost Per Click (CPC) Calculator

What is Cost Per Click? CPC is a paid advertising term and the means that the…

How Did We Receive Over 1000 Upvotes on Our Product Hunt Launch?

As Magnetiq, we had our Product Hunt launch on the 29th of September. Please find…

Back to school
3 Tips for Your Back-to-School Ads!

The period that begins with the end of the summer, the opening of schools and…

Digital marketing
Everything You Wonder About Digital Marketing!

In this article, we have answered the basic questions about digital marketing with short answers,…

Intent Marketing
3 Basic Things You Should Know About Intent Marketing

Intention-focused marketing is marketing actions aimed at internet users who we know have moved on…

Back to School
4 Tips to Use Back-to-School Effectively!

The back-to-school period is a period of increased mobility with the end of the summer…

Back to School
8 Headlines to Consider in Back-to-School Ads!

While the back-to-school period begins with the end of the summer, it is also a…